Who benefits

Who benefits

Psychodrama offers professional development for people who work with people.  It is an accredited psychotherapy training with the Psychotherapy Board of Aotearoa New Zealand and is valued by organisational consultants who emphasise working effectively with human dynamics in their practice.  

Responsive Vital Relationships

Broad Scope

Psychodrama can be applied in various fields; business, management, education, training and pastoral care, as well as those who work in psychotherapy. Moreno did not see his approach as only a clinical therapeutic method.

A truly therapeutic procedure cannot have less an objective than the whole of mankind.

JL Morneo

Who Shall Survive

Benefits of training

Benefits of training

Role reversal is the engine that drives the powerhouse of psychodrama.

Zerka Toeman Moreno

Psychodrama Since Moreno

Training aims

The aim of the training is to assist you in integrating the theory and practice of psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry, role training, and group work through supervised experiential learning, writing, and applications of the method to expand your chosen profession and life identity. If you want to work in fresh, creative, thoughtful and original ways to help others be more effective in their lives and work, this training is for you.

Relevance of training

Psychodrama training is relevant to you if you are interested in enlivening personal, interpersonal and group functioning in the fields of health, education, leadership, community and organisation development and the creative arts. The training emphasises both relational and systems perspectives on living, valuing spontaneity, and taking fresh approaches to entrenched problems.

Who is it for?

This training is suited to you in your work if you want to significantly expand your abilities to appreciate and intervene with the individuals and groups you work with, increasing both your own and your client’s effectiveness in their lives and work.

What you will learn

You will learn to unleash the power of psychodrama and discover its transformative potential. By applying the range of methods within psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and role training, you will gain the tools to build strong working relationships and enhance personal and professional development. Whether you are engaging in one-on-one interactions, group work, or individual and group psychotherapy, this training will empower you to create profound change.

Individuals learm

Individuals learn


re-examine your life situations and past


refresh your social networks and cultural context


generate new perspectives on particular events and situations


prepare for future situations with a greater degree of flexibility, vitality and immediacy


bring together action and insight


act in the ‘here and now’ as you engage with life


enlarge your perceptions of themselves and others

Groups learn

Group learn


examine themselves and constructively refresh the dynamics of group life


recognise patterns of interaction and interpersonal dynamics


investigate and refresh both formal and informal relationship networks


examine themselves and constructively refresh the dynamics of group life


make informed decisions about changing group norms


build new relationship networks to implement change



– different settings and in a wide variety of groups

Client groups

Psychodrama can be used with a wide range of people; adults, children, adolescents, the elderly, couples, families and many contexts; therapy groups, business groups, church and community groups, mental health, addiction, disabilities, criminal justice and organisational development.

Integration with other methods

The psychodrama method can be easily combined with many other disciplines such as psychoanalysis, object relations, behavioural therapies, gestalt, creative arts therapies, play therapy, body therapies, Jungian, family therapy and group therapy to provide an integrated and effective method of working.

Role Training to develop spontaneity

Role Training, as part of psychodrama training, focuses on enabling the full use of role-playing and its applications in various contexts such as supervision, pastoral care, therapy, counselling and teaching. A Role Training enactment is ideal for preparing a person for a meeting with a friend or family member, work colleague or boss or for new ventures of any sort.

Human development

Action is primary — our primary mode of communication. Psychodrama is action-based and a powerful and effective way to build our communication ability. The psychodramatic method engages individuals and groups on multiple levels through multiple modes. Psychodrama can be especially useful for working with people who have problems with verbal communication such as children and adolescents.

Coaching and training

Psychodrama can be used to address a wide range of personal and work-related issues including those in the past, present and future.  It can address what Moreno called “surplus reality” those issues related to what one could have should have and would have done. It can be used to effectively work with dreams and be used to help a person grieve through a farewell encounter with a loved one who has died.