Psychodrama Aotearoa New Zealand Policy Manual

Psychodrama Aotearoa New Zealand

Policy Manual

(July 2023)

About Psychodrama Aotearoa (PANZ)

After operating for 30 years as the Federation of Training Institutes of New Zealand (FTINZ) formed under the regional regulations of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychodrama (ANZPA), the trainers of New Zealand agreed to amalgamate and form one national training body operating from five campuses. PANZ is a Charitable Trust registered with the New Zealand Companies Office formed as a variation of the Christchurch Institute for Training, NZBN 9429042614814.

Vision and Objects

Our vision is of people all over the world expressing themselves relevantly in the ordinary here and now situations in which they live and work. This expression may be in silence, in learning, in building, in negotiating, in teaching, or in play It is a responsive and creative expression, that brings joy to the human spirit, that uplifts the soul, that makes us feel part of the universe again.

Our objects are described in Section 4 a-i) of the PANZ Trust Deed.

Training Standards

PANZ is a Training Institute accredited by the AANZPA Board of Examiners. The Board’s AANZPA Training and Standards Manual outlines the standards of training and processes for the appointment, development and accreditation of practitioners and trainers.

About the Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures described in this document are additional to those described in AANZPA Inc.’s constitution, AANZPA’s Code of Ethics and The AANZPA Training and Standards Manual. They are intended to guide PANZ trainers and trainees in the operation of the institute and work carried out by each PANZ campus.

Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and changes are reflected in updates of this document.

Our Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

PANZ recognizes Te Tiriti o Waitangi as one of the country’s founding documents and our obligations to uphold the mana, mauri and aspirations of Māori.

Both within training and in the standards and practice of our trainees we aim to ensure culturally safe practices. This includes removing any obstacles to Māori being able to experience or participate in psychodrama, enter training, and progress through our training programme.

We actively acknowledge indigenous knowledge and healing practices in Aotearoa.

Code of Ethics

Trainers in Aotearoa New Zealand are bound by the AANZPA Code of Ethics.

Quality Management

Policies for training

  • The trainee’s integration of the curriculum and application of the method is the overall measure of the effectiveness of training.
  • Teaching methods and approaches are determined by trainees’ needs and the abilities to be developed.
  • PANZ works on a model of continuous improvement.
  • PANZ operates on a value of trust, collegiality and respect for individual autonomy where functions, not positions are assigned and responsibility for work is shared by all.
  • Structurally a Director of Training maintains an oversight of the functioning of campus and works with colleagues to achieve plans and goals.
  • Trainers attend to their own professional development and maintain standards.
  • Trainers make use of expertise in the broader faculty of AANZPA Trainers and Educators to deliver training.
  • Trainers participate in regular campus reviews.
  • Trainers adhere to the standards specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual
  • Each campus reports annually to the AANZPA Board of Examiners.
  • For assessment and input requirements beyond the expertise of PANZ trainers, PANZ will seek assistance from qualified contractors and professionals.

Conflicts of Interest


  • When a conflict of interest exists for a trustee, that trustee will declare the nature of the conflict or the potential conflict. The trustee will not take part in deliberations or proceedings including decision-making in relation to the conflict of interest. The trustee will not be counted in the quorum required for decision-making on the matter for which the trustee has the conflict of interest.
  • If a person has a potential conflict of interest in a matter under consideration, they must not take part in any discussion or decision on the matter giving rise to the conflict, unless the PANZ management committee decide otherwise.
  • Where a person has a direct or indirect financial interest in a matter being considered, they must not take part in any decision about the matter unless authorised to do so.
  • Individuals who do not comply with PANZ’s requirements regarding the management of potential conflict of interest, as described in this policy and procedures, may be seen to be in breach of AANZPA’s ethical code.
  • Conflicts of interest must be dealt with quickly and transparently.
  • Trustees will be asked to disclose conflicts of interest on a regular basis.
  • The PANZ Management Committee maintains a register of all conflicts of interest and will inform the Trust of these at the commencement of each annual trainer workshop and/or AGM.

Programme Development and Delivery


  • Programmes are the result of a continuous development process that involves analysis, design, implementation and evaluation with specific reference to the curriculum, standards, needs of current trainees and availability of trainers.
  • Training and development requirements are identified through analysis and assessment of trainees’ functioning through observation and consultation.
  • Role development is the basis of the learning objectives for PANZ’s training programmes.
  • Training methods and approach are founded in psychodramatic principles, are experiential, iterative and oriented to learning in a group.
  • Our trainers are trained and supervised in the use of psychodrama and its applications to individuals, groups and organisations.
  • Our training style is practical, active, participatory, and builds esteem.
  • Trainers are expected to be aware of any risks inherent in activities planned.

Programme Evaluation


  • Programme evaluation encompasses feedback from trainees, colleagues and the Board of Examiners.
  • The functioning of the trainee in their application of the method is the overall measure of the effectiveness of training.
  • Courses are evaluated to assess whether the design and delivery ensured the contracted outcomes were achieved.

Financial, Administrative and Physical Resources


  • PANZ comprises trainers who are either TEPs, TEPits or staff members appointed in preparation to become TEPits. TEPs are Trustees of PANZ who work collectively as a Charitable Trust to deliver on its specified objects outlined in the Trust Deed. Training is carried out in five campuses around Aotearoa New Zealand. There are no permanent or regular training premises owned by PANZ.
  • The annual accounts are prepared by an independent accounting firm at the end of the financial year (31 December).
  • PANZ ensures that cash flow remains within working capital.
  • Each campus operates from agreed policies and procedures in relation to budgeting, fee setting, refunds, and scholarships.
  • Administrative systems are maintained to a standard that enables adequate security access and retrieval of information.
  • Hired facilities are assessed in terms of space, furniture, privacy, external noise levels, lighting, air conditioning/heating, accessibility, parking, safety, and teaching aids, cost. Facilities are selected which provide the best fit for training requirements.
  • PANZ holds copies of appropriate library and reference materials and online resources e.g. training and standards manual, articles related to the curriculum as specified in the training and standards manual, teaching resource materials for use by PANZ personnel.
  • PANZ’s health and safety standards are those defined by the relevant Acts and by the venues in which we run training programmes.
  • Incidents or accidents occurring during programmes will be reported, investigated and followed up.
  • Each campus staff meet regularly to manage the campus resources and ensure the delivery and administration of the campus’s work.



  • All PANZ trainers are involved in the AANZPA system for trainer development which includes attendance at annual trainer workshops, participation in Trust meetings and completion of annual AANZPA Currency requirements.
  • PANZ trainers are selected for their proven ability in training skills and content areas as specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual.
  • Trainers are selected using an active process that requires the demonstration of roles and competencies to determine suitability.
  • PANZ ensures that trainers are skilled in using psychodrama to enable practical and active training delivery.

Health and Safety


  • The ethos of psychodrama is of building respectful relationships and addressing the mental health and well-being of everyone involved in the training process.
  • Trainees are requested to inform trainers regarding particular personal health and safety issues the trainers may need to take into account during training.
  • Each campus follows site-specific health and safety protocols for its training venue.
  • As part of their preparation, PANZ trainers identify potential health and safety hazards and take action to eliminate or mitigate the impact of those hazards during training.
  • PANZ maintains a register of any incidents relating to health and safety. All incidents are investigated, monitored and practices reviewed as a result.
  • We prohibit any type of behaviour such as humiliation, inappropriate talk, non-respectful attitude and discrimination. Acting in such ways is considered harassment. We will take corrective action if this is not upheld. This applies to all people involved in the work of PANZ including trainees.
  • If anyone involved in PANZ experiences harassment of any kind (including sexual harassment, discriminatory harassment, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, coerced sexual acts, or comments on a person’s ethnic heritage and religious beliefs) they should report this to the Director of Training as soon as possible. The Director of Training will commence a process of investigation as outlined in the PANZ complaints process. Every harassment action, when determined and proven, will be subject to serious disciplinary and corrective action. Some of the most common disciplinary actions include but are not limited to: counselling, warning, suspension and termination.

Cyber Security


Anyone who may have any type of access to PANZ’s systems, software and hardware is required to follow these best practices to ensure data is secure and protected:

  • Keep all electronic devices’ passwords secured and protected
  • Logging into PANZ’s accounts should be done only through safe networks
  • Install security updates on a regular basis
  • Upgrade antivirus software on a regular basis
  • Don’t ever leave devices unprotected and exposed
  • Manage passwords
  • Make sure emails are sent only to the person intended and those received are from known addresses.

Trainee Entry


  • Age, gender, race, religion and sexual preference are not barriers to accessing or participating in training offered by PANZ.
  • Each campus has an early consultation with people who have indicated their interest in attending training.
  • The following criteria are used to determine whether a person is suitable for entering training. Selection is at the discretion of the campus. The person:
    – Has a genuine relevant interest in training as opposed to wanting a qualification or the backing of a code of ethics.
    – Has roles necessary to function as a group member.
    – Has the time to commit themselves to the training and its requirements.
    – Has a minimum of 12-18 hours experience of psychodrama.
    – Is willing to have regular supervision sessions with a suitable supervisor who can guide them through the stages of development.
    – Has the financial resources to commit to ongoing training. If finances are challenging they have a plan to manage this that is agreed in consultation with the Campus.
    – Has declared any issues and/or conflicts of interest that might interfere or jeopardise their ability to function as a trainee e.g. studying in another modality, relationships with trainees/trainers, drug/medication, illegal activity, health issues.
    – Demonstrates understanding of the training programme and what is required of them.
    – In addition, trainers experience mutuality with the person during the interview and are willing to work with them as a trainee.
  • PANZ is committed to the principles of the recognition of prior learning (RPL). RPL should be accessible to anyone with experience and role development that can be validated in relation to the requirements specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual and this will be reflected in the trainee’s training record.
  • RPL procedures ensure assessment is fair, valid and consistent across campuses.

Trainee Guidance and Support Systems


  • PANZ training programmes are designed and assessed to provide protection from harm both for trainees and for the public.
  • Information provided to trainees about the nature of programmes is accurate and sufficient to allow them to judge their suitability.
  • Trainees have the right to appeal assessment decisions and to follow complaints procedure when dissatisfied with training or services provided to them by PANZ. In the first instance, trainees are encouraged to raise matters directly with the Director of Training at the relevant campus and to follow the PANZ Complaints Process. If matters cannot be resolved through this process the trainee may lodge a complaint according to the AANZPA Complaints Process.
  • On completion of their initial paper, a Primary Trainer and Supervisor who is a PANZ trainer will be agreed upon for the trainee. These roles may be taken up by one or two people and will provide guidance and support for the trainee throughout their training journey.
  • Trainees are encouraged to maintain contact with each other and to seek their support as an integral part of the training process.
  • Annual training interviews provide trainees with an opportunity to engage with the trainers and to receive guidance about the next steps in their development.
  • All PANZ trainers are available for contact if a trainee feels the need for guidance and support.

Practical Assignments/ Application of Training


  • When there is a practical application required, trainees must receive supervision from a member of PANZ. The supervision should be set up prior to the commencement of applying the method and will clarify responsibilities and constraints including meeting AANZPA’s code of ethics.
  • When a trainee is ready to apply the method in a public setting they will be required to become an Associate Member of AANZPA Inc. and seek endorsement from their trainer.

Assessment, Evaluation and Moderation


  • Assessment is based on role development. Trainees must successfully meet all of the requirements specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual.
  • Assessment is both formative and summative. Formal assessment tasks and processes are specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual and all must be completed as described to achieve certification.
  • PANZ will ensure its assessment practices are fair, free of gender, ethnic or other bias, and its assessment activities and decisions are valid and consistent.
  • Accommodation of people with special needs will be discussed and implemented as appropriate.
  • Assessment is an ongoing process and will involve a variety of methods.
  • Self and peer assessment are part of the learning process and development.
  • Feedback on and assessment of assignments will be carried out as quickly as possible.
  • Consistency of standards between programmes and campuses is maintained through collaboration between the PANZ faculty and regular review of assessments and reports.



  • Trainees are provided with fair and regular feedback on progress.
  • Trainees are provided with fair reporting at their final assessment.
  • Trainee attendance in training and supervision is recorded systematically and forwarded to the trainee/appropriate authority when required.
  • Digital archives of trainee records are maintained for a period of ten years. Records will cease to be retained 12 months after certification.
  • Feedback is given in relation to the areas specified in the AANZPA Training and Standards Manual.
  • Our expectation is that the trainee will succeed.
  • Trainee achievement results are available to the trainee, PANZ, and other appropriate trainers.
  • Each campus provides a comprehensive annual report about its activities, trainees, trainers, finances, achievements, challenges and developments to the AANZPA Board of Examiners. These reports are shared across all campuses.