Marae Based Intensive Psychodrama Workshop 2024

workshop Marae Based Intensive Psychodrama Workshop This experientially-based training includes both theoretical and practical components. This workshop is part of the Ōtepoti Dunedin and Ōtautahi Christchurch training. The workshop also is open to others wanting to...

Marae Based Intensive Psychodrama Workshop 2024

workshop Marae Based Intensive Psychodrama Workshop This experientially-based training includes both theoretical and practical components. This workshop is part of the Ōtepoti Dunedin and Ōtautahi Christchurch training. The workshop also is open to others wanting to...

Supervised Practice Workshop 2023

Description This 3-day psychodrama training workshop will address the emergent needs of the trainees enrolled on the workshop focusing on the themes and particular areas of the curriculum relevant to them. There will be opportunities for supervised practice and...

Introduction to Psychodrama

This psychodrama weekend being offered by PANZ Ōtautahi Christchurch Campus is open to anyone who wants to experience the psychodrama method and will be of particular interest to those of you considering training in psychodrama. The more general term psychodrama...

Residential Psychodrama Training Workshop 2023

Description This 4-day residential psychodrama training workshop aims to bring about a greater knowledge and integration of the theory and practice of psychodrama, sociometry, role training, sociodrama and group work. There will be many opportunities to deepen your...