Developing Your Psychodrama Practice – March 2024

Developing Your Psychodrama Practice Developing Your Psychodrama Practice – March 2024 A weekend psychodrama training workshop run by Cher Williscroft Whether you are an advanced trainee or a beginner to the Psychodramatic method, you will build your abilities and...

Developing Your Psychodrama Practice – March 2024

A weekend psychodrama training workshop run by Cher Williscroft Whether you are an advanced trainee or a beginner to the Psychodramatic method, you will build your abilities and your experience and practice of the psychodrama method so you can apply your learning in...

Dipping Your Toes Into Psychodrama – November 2024

An introduction to using the psychodramatic method in your work with individuals and groups This one-day workshop is for those who wish to experience the psychodrama method, to see if they want to incorporate the method into their work or life.  This method will help...

Making Humane Interventions in Social Systems – June 2024

 A weekend psychodrama training workshop run by Cher Williscroft In this workshop ‘Making Humane Interventions in Social Systems’, we plan to act on those aspects of ourselves that are liberating, so we are more able to sustain ourselves in the...